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buckling resistance中文是什么意思

用"buckling resistance"造句"buckling resistance"怎么读"buckling resistance" in a sentence


  • 抗翘曲力
  • 抗弯能力
  • 抗弯曲力
  • 抗弯性
  • 抗弯阻力
  • 抗压曲性
  • 抗纵向弯曲力
  • 翘曲阻力
  • 压曲抗力
  • 压曲抗阻力


  • A beam or a column often supports other members which participate in the buckling action , and significantly influence its in - plane stability and out - of - plane stability . if these elastic restraints action of buckling resistance is taken into account the critical loads of steel members may apparentely been increased and plenty of steel material is saved
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